
Chart your unique path for success

Dive into our six signature handcrafted, easy-to-follow modules, each designed to address unique challenges faced by atypical women at work.

Bite-Sized Learning: Engage with concise, evidence-based lessons. Each captivating module is less than 30 minutes, split into quick 5-7-minute segments. Perfect for easily-distracted minds!

Inspiring Conversations: Gain insights from intimate interviews with accomplished neurodivergent women. Discover their personal journey, strategies, and success in overcoming work-related obstacles.

Empower Yourself: With our self-evaluation tools and tailored templates, become the architect of your own transformation and thrive in your professional life.

Course Structure

Six handcrafted, easy-to-follow courses, each designed to address unique challenges faced by atypical women at work

Part 1: Turn your differences into your superpowers

Module 1: Explore

Define what makes you uniquely you so that you can show up professionally and unapologetically

Module 2: Energy

Overcome burnout and implement strategies so that you avoid making career limiting mistakes

Part 2: Learn how to work smarter not harder

Module 3: Environment

Optimise where and how you work so that you meet your physical and sensory needs

Module 4: Effectiveness

Learn how to Get Things Done so that you don't have to work those crazy long hours

Part 3: Belong without having to fit in

Module 5: Etiquette

Adopt the appropriate social norms, behaviours, and manners so that you can fit in without having to fit in

Module 6: Embrace

Define and own your authentic personal brand and reduce the level of stress, anxiety, or feelings of inadequacy in the workplace

Artistic doors depicting opportunity ahead

Module 1: Explore

Define what makes you uniquely you

  • Are you drowning in google searches, looking for the article or research that describes you and your needs perfectly?
  • Do you need to make clearer sense of what makes you uniquely you?
  • Are you struggling to articulate what it means to be you to others?

Show up professionally and unapologetically

When we start to explore our differences and become undiagnosed or diagnosed neurodivergence, we gather as much information as we can to make sense of our world. And there is no shortage of information available. The problem is that, by its very definition, there is no one version of neurodivergence.

Neurodivergence is a spectrum of ways that/in which people’s brains process information, function, and present behaviourally. So, the transition from confusion to empowerment can be time consuming and incredibly frustrating. It is also a lonely experience as so few people are neurodivergent and those that aren’t can be misunderstood and lack empathy.

What you’ll get…

  • Learn about the different types of neurodivergence and how they often co-exist together and correlate with auto-immune and mental health challenges
  • Define your version of you and better understand what is uniquely you versus what are the reactions and coping mechanisms you’ve adopted
  • Craft a concise description of who you are, how you think, feel and behave so that you can have more meaningful conversations with family, friends and colleagues
  • Develop a plan for sharing your insights with key people who will be able to leverage your strengths and support your needs
Artistic doors depicting opportunity ahead

Module 2: Energy

Overcome and avoid burnout

  • Are you recovering from or needing to avoid burnout?
  • Do you find it difficult to regulate your emotions at work?
  • Are you tired, procrastinating and/or can’t find the motivation you once had?
  • Do you feel like you are just surviving, not thriving at work

Avoid making career limiting mistakes

Work and the workplace can be a stressful experience where hyperfocus, perfectionism or external factors can lead to fatigue, demotivation and even burnout. This can create feelings of shame when a high performing individual may suddenly be unable to control their emotions/maintain their composure, get things done or frankly get out of bed.

Energised individuals have a desire and willingness to perform at work and there are strategies that can be adopted to maximise your get-up-and-go and even go as far as having vitality for work again.

What you’ll get from this module

  • Learn about energy and what makes it go up and down
  • Explore and define your own energy cycles so that you can better align work to time
  • Identify and implement strategies that optimise energy, positive emotions and engagement with work
  • Craft a concise description of reasonable adjustments that you can share with your leader and colleagues to help them help you to be your best
Artistic doors depicting opportunity ahead

Module 3: Environment

Optimise where and how you work

  • Did the pandemic prove that you don’t always work well in an office?
  • Is your workspace cluttered and unorganised?
  • Are you worried you’ll have a meltdown at work from the sensory overwhelm?

Meet your physical and sensory needs

Thankfully  the pandemic disrupted the workplace status quo as it revealed that we all thrive in different environments at different times. This has been particularly helpful for neurodivergent women who often suffer from sensory sensitivities. Noisy workplaces, open plan layouts and bright lighting do not make the most productive place for us to thrive.

There are ways in which to make the physical environments work for us, rather than against us. In this module, we will learn how the workplace has changed since the pandemic and why an office environment isn’t always the optimal location to work. We will learn how to deal with interruptions, managing sensory needs, defining optimal work places and office productivity tools. By the end of this module, you will be in a position to communicate your needs to enhance your productivity and wellbeing at work.

What you’ll get from this module

  • Understand how the physical environment affects your productivity and wellbeing
  • Identify the ideal physical environment/s for you to perform as effectively as possible while still meeting the needs of your employer
  • Develop a plan for implementing changes to your physical environments, including a business case (if necessary) for securing your leader’s support

Module 4: Effectiveness

Get things done

  • Are you working long hours but not getting to the bottom of the to do list?
  • Is prioritising your work hard?
  • Do you need help managing your time better?
  • Could your work be better quality?

Stop working those crazy long hours

At work, the success of an idea usually comes down to how well it is executed. An average idea well-executed is well-received, but brilliant ideas with average execution can flop. Neurodivergent women, in particular, may face challenges with execution such as overwhelm, procrastination, the need for perfectionism, poor prioritization and time management or the need to cultivate accountability and autonomy.

Furthermore, information overload and the pace of society has left most people feeling out of control with a lack of routines and rituals for staying effective. In this module, we will learn how to align our tasks to our priorities and then achieve them efficiently and effectively. 

What you’ll get from this module

  • Learn about Getting Things Done®, a personal productivity methodology that redefines how you approach your life and work
  • Understand tools and techniques for capturing, clarifying, organising, reflecting and engaging in tasks
  • Implement a wide range of strategies and hacks that make you more productive everyday
Artistic doors depicting opportunity ahead

Module 5: Etiquette

Belong without having to ‘fit in’

  • Do you find “water cooler” conversations tedious but know you need to be social?
  • Are you constantly wondering if you’ve missed a memo or that there is an inside joke you don’t get?
  • Are you exhausted from trying to understand others and make them like you?
  • Do you have any history of relationship breakdowns in the workplace?

Learn to adopt the appropriate social norms

Stephen Covey, author of the classic “How to win friends and influence people” wrote: “If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive”. While the norms and expectations of the modern workplace may seem strange or overbearing to many neurodivergent professionals, understanding and adapting to them is an essential step in achieving a successful professional career. For many neurodivergent individuals, personal experiences  have not prepared them to understand and thrive in professional settings. In this module, we will highlight some key success factors that build better understanding of the professional world and its unique social practices.

Eye contact, facial expressions and body language or following illogical, vague or opaque work conversations can be perplexing or worse. Not everyone feels the need to be social at work but there are some minimum expectations that people have that need to be met.

What you’ll get from this module

  • Learn about social aspects of the workplace and how to recognise what is really necessary to engage in
  • Set yourself some social boundaries so that you fit in without losing yourself
  • Learn how to better manage workplace conflict and difficult scenarios
Artistic doors depicting opportunity ahead

Module 6: Embrace

Own your authentic personal brand

  • Do you feel nervous about being your unique self, for fear of being left out or bullied?
  • You know you have superpowers but worry they are not being put to use?
  • Do you want to bring your authentic self to work without risk?

Reduce your feelings of inadequacy in the workplace

In today’s professional world, authenticity is an important quality that fosters meaningful connections, enhances job satisfaction, and empowers individuals to thrive. In this module, we will delve into the critical aspects of owning and cultivating an authentic work persona. Owning an authentic workplace persona as a neurodivergent woman involves embracing your identity, advocating for yourself, prioritizing self-care needs, leveraging your strengths, and fostering a supportive network. 

In this final module of the program, it is time to completely embrace your unique and amazing self.

What you’ll get from this module

  • Overcoming societal and cultural expectations to embrace your true self in the most authentic way
  • Celebrate your personality type and superpowers 
  • Find your true purpose and align your professional and personal life to this
  • Celebrate belonging to a community of brave, intelligent and compassionate women

Learn more

Grit n Grace Collective offers a unique program for unique women that delivers self-acceptance, self-management and self-advocacy outcomes that lead to professional success
Cottage depicting wealth of opportunity


ature handcrafted, easy-to-follow modules, each designed to address unique challenges faced by atypical women at work



Group coaching with small cohorts enabling members to safely share and support one another with 1:1 coaching available by request

Sheep painted bright pink!


An all in one community platform for all content, course work and member engagement that takes this program to the next level